Free webinar

Attend a mental health break for mom business leaders.

Learn the exact process that meditation practitioner, bestselling author, business coach, and mom to three young boys, Melissa Llarena, follows to have a consistent meditation practice despite no longer having privacy, time, nor a meditation closet. You will walk away with a step-by-step approach for designing your own ritual and you will get a mental break to THINK more strategically about your business and mom life too. (This is a 30-minute break!)

Live Webinar

March 1, 2024
10:00am Central Time


  • Instantly receive upon sign-up Free meditation prompts (get centered in two minutes or fewer)
  • Mindfulness i.e. meditation ritual ideas to become a more present mom and focused business leader
  • Q&A with Melissa
  • Join LIVE to enter a drawing for a guest spot on Unimaginable Wellness the podcast for mom founders, entrepreneurs, and creators

Taught by Melissa Llarena

Top ForbesWomen contributor with 4M+ views. #1 Amazon Best-selling Author of a book entitled: Fertile Imagination: A Guide for Stretching Every Mom's Superpower for Maximum Impact. Mom to a singleton son who is 12 and a set of identical twin boys who are ten. A Psychology degree from NYU, and an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, she holds a Transformational Coaching Academy certificate and is a student in the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program Class of 2025.

My first-year after twins

If you feel as exhausted as I was in this photo then you are in the right place. Sign-up for this free webinar.

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